Wellness and the law is a topic I am deeply passionate about. Having myself had to overcome what I call ‘unhappiness’, I now spend a lot of my time exploring wellness, happiness and even joy in legal practice. Having researched the science of happiness and published my book ‘Happy Lawyer Happy Life’ I have come […]
Tech tools – there are so many of them at the moment and I certainly don’t consider myself to be a tech junkie but I am incredibly grateful for the time in which I live and the capacity through a mobile phone to run a business. When I started my law firm 10 years ago, […]
This week marks the beginning of the University year for many Law Students nationwide. Given the recent comments from our Prime Minister himself encouraging students NOT to embark upon the study of law unless they want to be ‘real lawyers’, I would expect there is an extra level of trepidation for those of you lining […]
Today, as I was working my way through a long complicated property settlement analysis an email appeared in my inbox with the title ‘Blog Time’. Now usually I advocate for doing only one thing at a time and not allowing those email notifications to distract you from the task at hand, but today I broke […]
CPD Points… For most of us lawyers, the acronym CPD, aka ‘Continuing Professional Development’ probably causes your eyes to glaze over with a deep sense of boredom. I don’t think it is any secret, a two day legal conference designed to ensure we all can ‘tick off’ those compulsory 10 points along with the 3 […]
These past few years I have spent many hours reading, learning and researching happiness. At first this was to better understand my own wellbeing but later all that work led to me writing the book ‘Happy Lawyer Happy Life’. Unhappiness in my profession is rife. The incidence of mental health problems within the legal profession is […]
It was 1997 when I decided I wanted to be a lawyer. That was almost 20 years ago now. Just saying that makes me realise that was a really long time ago! In 1997 I was living in sunny Brisbane, in a share house in Annerley and studying to be an Interior Designer. Not a […]
I don’t know about you but it’s Christmas party season for me. This means lots of professional events and lots of fun and catch-ups, but it also tends to mean lots of conversations with people that I don’t know so well. And at each one of these events lately, the conversation seems to go like […]
‘Conscious Uncoupling’, a phrase that now seems so common and yet is so new to the dialogue of divorce thanks to Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin who announced their decision to “consciously uncouple” on the 25th March 2014. Since then I’ve read with interest the varied commentary on their decision and this supposedly new concept […]
It seems not that long ago that I was three years into a five year law degree trying to work out how on earth I was ever going to actually be a ‘lawyer’. A ‘proper lawyer’- the sort that wears a fancy suit and shiny black shoes that would spend her days gazing out a big glass window, […]
It is a beautiful rainy Saturday here in Brisbane and I am tucked in my office writing a book pitch! Yep that damn book that seems to be filling my mind, all day, every day. None the less it has been a beautiful couple of hours as I trawl through the random collection of titles […]
Happiness is…. Well I think it is something different for each of us. For me it is the simplest of things. Taking my daughter each morning to the coffee shop where she clambers on a stool to climb up on a table and grab a sachet of sugar. She will say ‘just one’ as she […]
I had the privilege of meeting with a new client this afternoon. I have heard the first appointment between client and lawyer described as a bit like a ‘first date’- full of anticipation and nerves and with a mutual hope of a long lasting and successful relationship. Sometimes these appointments are easy and other times ‘hard’. Today, […]