I had the privilege of meeting with a new client this afternoon. I have heard the first appointment between client and lawyer described as a bit like a ‘first date’- full of anticipation and nerves and with a mutual hope of a long lasting and successful relationship.
Sometimes these appointments are easy and other times ‘hard’. Today, for me, was both enjoyable and ‘easy’. Easy, as I was able to test my new ‘pitch’ with some success.
Over the past few weeks I have been introduced to a new and fresh way of approaching my business of being a family lawyer. I have gained clarity- that for me I only want to work with clients who place their relationships with their children and their family above all else.
So today I tried my new approach on my willing subject!
I asked- “So at the end of all this, tell me what is most important to you?”
He answered- “My girls, they are the most important thing, then my business, then me.”
Perfect- but it is so easy to say but does he really mean it. Well, an hour later I decided he did.
I told him that I have come to realise that the clients that I am most skilled at assisting are those who, like him, value their relationships with their children more than anything. This was a great lead in for a fascinating and thought provoking discussion about family, business and life.
Today I felt my ‘first date’ was filled with delight, interest and hopefully the beginnings of a successful professional relationship.
Working as a family lawyer in divorce often begs the question- “Is it hard work?”
It can be, but it can also be so interesting, rewarding and fulfilling.