Happiness is….
Well I think it is something different for each of us. For me it is the simplest of things. Taking my daughter each morning to the coffee shop where she clambers on a stool to climb up on a table and grab a sachet of sugar. She will say ‘just one’ as she tries to smuggle at least 2 into her little hands. Happiness for me is just that- a simple routine.
And I am a happy family lawyer aren’t I?
This evening while being immersed in ‘new love’ on Channel 10 as the first series of ‘The Bachelor’ finished up, here I was trying to create the contents of my book on divorce! (The irony!) You know- that book I said I was going to write to help keep my friends, family and clients out of the Family Courts.
I had such clarity and am now seemingly so confused. I asked myself- If I were to suffer a marriage breakdown what would I want to know?
The answer, in the simplest sense- that I will be ok and that my relationship with my daughter will be just as good as if our marriage had lasted. I think it is that simple for a lot of people.
I am lucky to not be in such a situation and yet spend every day advising clients who are. Today, with the help of a new friend, I realised something so simple that is no doubt obvious to many- family Law issues are about 2 things-
- Children
- Money (or the stuff associated with money- the stuff we own, earn or owe)
But what I also realised is that most of the work I do as a family lawyer is not about children, stuff or money it is about feelings and emotions- the stuff that I really have not been trained to provide any useful advice on at all!
And so my point- Happy Family Lawyers- who are they? Do they exist?
Yes they do. I am one (most of the time!) and I think that is because more than anything I enjoy the feelings and emotions that make up most of what I do and those moments of happiness that can come in even the most adverse situations.
Today an email from a client summed it all up beautifully- “Wow- That’s made my day. I’m a very happy man”.
We all need moments of happiness in our lives and the real beauty is being able to see them and enjoy them just as they happen.
I have not got too far on that book tonight but can at least go to bed celebrating a little happiness.