When we think of the word ‘Divorce’ it rightly conjures up feelings of hurt, pain and all sorts of difficult emotions that most of us would prefer not to ever have to experience. The idea that you could survive your divorce in style probably sounds too good to be true but thanks to my day job as […]
Falling in love is fun, exciting and romantic. It is all the things we dream of and romance novels are made of. And of course then there is falling out of love- it is, as we know, just the opposite. The end of a significant relationship will bring with it fear, grief and sadness and […]
Divorce is said to be the second most significant grief event that many of us will ever experience. It’s therefore no surprise that the stress experienced during divorce can at times feel overwhelming. Stress is a normal part of life and sometimes stress is actually a good thing. The right amount of ‘stress’ can give us […]
The first time I heard the term ‘divorce coach’ I am pretty sure I may have rolled my eyes! But that was a while ago, before I met one and before I had any understanding of what a Divorce Coach really is. It makes sense if you think about it- someone who understands what it […]
Divorce is one of the most significant grief events many of us will ever suffer. Is it any wonder then, that during divorce, good people suddenly seem to be mad? As a Divorce Lawyer I have seen it all. People who in any other situation are entirely ‘normal’ all of a sudden turn into crazy […]
You know I love a good ‘guest post’ and this week’s is one of my favourites. The Author, Geoff, got in touch with me a few weeks ago in amongst the debate over the notion of ‘being friends’ after divorce. Now I don’t want to reignite the debate (it was a strong one!) and please […]
Whether it was watching my parents, learning myself or helping people every day for the past 15 years fall ‘out of love’ I have come to learn a few things about relationships as a divorce lawyer so this week I thought I would share my 3 biggest learnings.
Liz is back with the second of her instalments on surviving divorce! She bravely shares with us one of her ‘silver linings’ after she realised she needed to move ‘back home’. Divorce throws so many curve balls but having the safety and security of good friends and family can never be more valuable than when things are tough.
The feelings experienced during divorce could be compared to riding a rickety old roller coaster- you jump on board (sometimes unwillingly) and feel your life passing by at high speed- up, down and around again. Some days you feel like you are hanging upside down watching the world go past below, while other days it […]
As written for and published in I AM WOMAN Magazine 27 November 2014 L.O.V.E- love! A word that brings with it so many wonderful feelings, memories and dreams. And yet a word that can also create so much pain. Falling in love is beautiful, magical and for some, like a fairy tale. It is the […]
Music has such a powerful effect on memory. A song comes on and immediately you can be transported back to another time in your life and it is like it is happening all over again. It is therefore no surprise that music can often be our best friend when it comes to healing a broken heart. I have […]