It’s been a week of ups and downs for me, and so what better thing to do than write about it. Because sometimes telling yourself to pull your socks up, pick your chin up and keep moving works and other times it doesn’t work as well. I spend my days handing out advice to people […]
‘Leadership’. It is a word that is thrown around workplaces all the time but sometimes with so little thought. I am a leader and there are many days when I wish I could sneak into my office, hide behind my desk and leave all that leadership business to someone else! Because being a leader […]
When I look back on the year that has been 2015 I will remember it for my daily pursuit of ‘happiness’. It’s not that I spent the years prior to 2015 being unhappy- it is just that this year I read, learned, listened and practiced all sorts of things to consciously understand just what being […]
So last week I shared my new found ‘lack of celebration’ of being busy and the most beautiful things happened. A lot of you commented and shared your similar views- that ‘being busy’ seems to be ‘the norm’ and that perhaps by focusing on how busy we are we are in fact missing out on […]
Over the past few weeks it seems everywhere I go I am hearing the same words spoken. At conferences, with friends and this week with my clients I have both heard and uttered these words- “You have to fit your own mask first”. The idea is a good one- that to look after those […]
Whether it was watching my parents, learning myself or helping people every day for the past 15 years fall ‘out of love’ I have come to learn a few things about relationships as a divorce lawyer so this week I thought I would share my 3 biggest learnings.