divorce webinars
When it comes to divorce it is the emotional roller coaster that is the hardest part to both experience and manage. One moment you will feel ‘I’ve got this’ only to feel like you are upside down and have no idea where to turn a few moments later. When it comes to separation and divorce the challenge is often not knowing where to begin.
In my Webinars we will explore different subjects around Separation and divorce.
Positive Parenting After Separation Webinar
Tuesday 22 May. 11.00am
Parenting at the best of times is one of life’s most difficult jobs, despite the joys that children bring to all of our lives.
Parenting after separation adds a whole new challenge for even the best parents.
In this online workshop, I will share with you 10 tools and tips that I have seen can make a big difference in building positive co-parenting relationships, even in the most difficult circumstances.
This is a live event which will enable you to ask questions along the way, but if you can’t attend live, don’t worry- register and you will receive a recording of the event within 48 hours of the webinar. If you are unable to attend live please do email me through any specific questions you might have to clarissa@thehappyfamilylawyer.com.
This webinar is not intended to be legal advice and you should obtain independent legal advice from a qualified professional.
If you would like advice on any family law situation, you can contact Clarissa at Brisbane Family Law Centre on (07) 3862 1955 or via our website here. You might also find my book “Splitsville-How to separate, stay out of Court and stay friends” helpful to you at this time. ”
Register Online
These Information Sessions will give you information regarding the process designed to assist you through the initial stages of your separation or divorce. Your ticket includes a complimentary copy of Splitsville and light refreshments.
You can learn more and here.